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Ford Focus RS Install - Autowatch Ghost and Goluk T1- How it works
Ford Focus RS MK3 2018 GHOST Autowatch Immobiliser
Focus RS MK3 with Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser
Ford Focus RS 2017 | Ghost 2 Immobiliser | UKs BASIC CLASSIC CANBUS IMMOBILISER Also Known As Igla
Ford Focus RS mk3 protected with Autowatch GHOST immobiliser
Focus RS - Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser
Ghost Immobiliser How it Works | Demonstrated on a Focus RS and Golf R | Use Current Dash Buttons
Focus RS fitted with the Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser
Ghost immobiliser on 2017 Ford Fouc RS
Ghost immobiliser demo on a 2015 Focus ST
Ford Focus | Ghost 2 Immobiliser | UKs BASIC CLASSIC CANBUS IMMOBILISER Also Known As Igla
Ford Focus RS getting stolen via the relay attack